CAS at IB - Pearls for cancer
Organisers: Hulda and Isa (2IB)
Type: Creativity and Service
Place: Paviljongen / The barracks - group room 3-4
Time: Wednesdays - lunchtime (11:25-11:55)
Upon entering the room, we see colourful beads and threads laid upon the desks, a group of students are threading pearls whilst chatting away. The pearls for cancer club meets up every week during lunch to make intricately beaded jewellery for selling.
What inspired this activity and where do the profits go?
Let’s find out from the two organisers, Hulda and Isa:
Hulda: “A lot of our friends have these “Fuck cancer” bracelets and we thought it would be a great CAS idea to make and sell these bracelets at a cheaper price than the ones sold on the norwegian cancer research website (Kreftforeningen). So we would likely also make some money from it, which would still go towards norwegian cancer research.”
Isa: “Pearling in general has also become quite a big trend lately, so why not make it for a good cause! This CAS activity incorporates both the Creativity and Service elements.”
So why should you join this club?
Hulda: “You get to meet new people, it's really social and just a nice break from school”
Isa chimes in: “You also get to learn a new skill. It’s also during school time so you don’t have to spend as much time doing CAS outside of school.”
We can confirm from our visit that this is indeed an extremely fun and social activity, and would definitely recommend dropping by during Wednesday lunches if you feel like making bracelets and socialising with new people!
Link to their webshop
(purchase one of these lovely bracelets for a great price!):
Article by: Jessica (2IB)