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2IB’s second staff lunch

On February 14th the 2ib class held their second staff lunch, a complete success in the staff and students’ opinion! 


The theme of the lunch was Valentine’s Day and vegetarian food, and there was a great variety, from salads, vegetarian, and vegan options to loads of sweet desserts. The class was overall super excited to host a second lunch for the staff, and everyone was eager to collaborate so that we could have a successful experience.  

For the lunch an entrance fee was fixed, 175kr per person for the all-you-can-eat buffet, in total the class raised 5000 kr.  

The money raised went mostly to the school’s knitting club, where students knit scarves and sell them to raise money for charity. The other part of it went to the purchase of additional equipment for the students’ visits to Nesbru nursing home. 


For the money collected the students and some teachers are setting up a CAS found where all the money will be administered by a student board and CAS coordinator., We are all very grateful for the students who participated and for the staff who collaborated with us. 


Note: this site is run purely by students.

Responsible editors: Orest Malanchuk, Srijan Karthik Kancherla, Christopher Hawkins, Emil Muratbegovic.

Writers: Hannah Maria Hjertenes, Hannah Louise Mcdade, Ruhi Patil, Sophia Aleksandra, Sophie Auer.


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